Rahimafrooz Batteries Ltd.
Rahimafrooz Batteries Ltd. (RBL) is the largest lead-acid battery manufacturer in Bangladesh. The company is one of the leading regional players, with market leadership at home and export endeavours to more than 44 countries around the world. It manufactures about 200 different varieties of batteries for automotive, motorcycle, IPS and other applications in its factory located at West Panisail, Zirani Bazaar and Gazipur. The Company maintains high standards of operations, which are certified in both ISO 9001 as well as ISO 14001 standards. Furthermore, in order to ensure occupational health and safety of its employees, the company has also implemented the occupational health and safety management system, OSHAS 18001 standard.
The expertise and reputation of Rahimafrooz as a manufacturer of quality batteries locally and internationally has inspired the Group to invest in setting up a new battery factory at Ishwardi EPZ to cater to the growing potential in the international battery market. As part of the same strategy, the Group recently decided to spin-off the Industrial Battery manufacturing facilities of RBL as a separate business unit, moving to a new factory in Savar. As a result of these initiatives, RBL will now be able to devote more resources towards meeting the increasing demand of the local market.
Lucas and Spark are the leading names in the local automotive battery market while Volta, Optus and Delta are gaining equity as international brands.
RBL has state of the art manufacturing plants. It is equipped with the latest technologies along with complete air treatment and lead-recycling management system. Its capacity in automotive and other appliance battery is over a million N50 units per annum and has provision for further expansions. Rahimafrooz has different technical collaboration agreements with the Lucas Battery Company, Technical support Group (TSG), Hawker Batteries, and Invensys, of UK, Eltek – Norway and AEES – France to ensure the quality of the battery.
Safe disposal and recycling of used batteries:
Rahimafrooz as a Group is highly committed to its social and environmental responsibilities. All its operations are built and managed in a way so that the possibility of any detrimental effect on the environment can be eliminated or minimised. Being the leader in the lead-acid battery industry, RBL is no exception to that commitment. Safe disposal of the used batteries in Bangladesh has been a big concern. Rahimafrooz has lobbied actively in getting a law formulated and enacted in this regard. RBL has ensured proper facilities and establishments for collecting (buying back) and breaking used batteries safely in an isolated location in Savar. Simultaneously, it has also made huge investments in setting up a smelting plant to recycle the recovered lead from the used batteries. In order to make all these efforts truly meaningful, Rahimafrooz has been periodically running awareness building campaigns in the society among the battery users (including the drivers) to educate them about the need for a safe disposal of batteries and also encouraging them to avail the buy-back benefits offered by Rahimafrooz for used batteries.