10% Discount for all BRAC Bank card holders in eStore

Home - Automotive - 10% Discount for all BRAC Bank card holders in eStore

BRAC Bank Limited and Rahimafrooz Distribution Ltd. have signed a campaign agreement on Tuesday, April 2, 2019. According to this agreement BRAC Bank debit and credit cardholders will enjoy 10% discount in all product and services available at estore.rahimafrooz.com till 15 July 2019.

Mr. Nazmur Rahim, Head of Retail Banking, BRAC Bank Limited and Mr. Shankar Chandra Karmaker, GM, Finance, Rahimafrooz Distribution Ltd. (RDL) signed the agreement on behalf of their respective organizations.

Mr. Siraj Siddiquey (Shakil). Head of Digital Banking & E-commerce; Mr. Sultan Mahmud Sarkar, Senior Manager; Mr. Ataul K. Chowdhury, Associate Manager; Mr. Imtiaz Khan, Specialist; Ms. Jannatul Ferdous Turna, Associate Manager, from BRAC Bank Limited and Mr. Mokhlesur Rahman, GM & Head of Sales & Marketing-Tyre; Mr. Md. Khaled Hossain, Head of Sales & Marketing-EPP; Mr. Al Mahbubul Alam Rony. DGM, Group IT; Mr. Abdullah Al Harun Belal, Manager Operations-Auto Service from Rahimafrooz Distribution Ltd. were present in the ceremony.
